Tampa, FL - A kindergarten in Tampa raised $3.5 million to help support Ukraine's fight against Russia by purchasing a 30,000 pound GBU-57 Massive Ordinance Penetrator (MOP) after a citywide fundraising competition.

"Those little diaper busters just wanted to help so bad," Primrose School of South Tampa principal Garth Dingle explained. "You should see the card and all the drawings they sent along with the bomb. So adorable!"
The precision-guided GBU-57 "bunker buster" bomb sent to Ukraine by the class was covered in each of the children's handprints and is capable of penetrating 200 feet into the earth before the 5,300 pounds of high explosives detonate. According to 5-year-old Cheshire Whitman, the experience was fun and educational. "Moppy will be used as a strike weapon against hard and deeply buried targets. We named her Moppy."