Gulf Breeze, FL - Men all over the United States are growing increasingly frustrated that their unique health concerns, particularly challenges involving penile erections, are being largely ignored by medical research and downplayed by society.

"We are sick and tired of being the butt of jokes and having our problems taken less seriously than other people's problems," Jock Manly, president of the Gulf Breeze chapter of Man Awareness Now (MAN) and an outspoken advocate for improvements in erection science, explained. "Why am I unable to have the kind of erection that I deserve, and for as long as I need it?"
Manly, who also works as a part time cryptocurrency explainer, is talking about the infamous 4-hour restriction that doctors have set on erections for decades. But according to a MAN position statement authored by Manly and released last month, four hours simply isn't long enough for many men. "We are fed up with these limitations and we are calling for the NIH to dedicate resources to solving this problem. Any further delays are nothing but whatever the opposite of misogyny is."