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Editorial: Health Supplements Contain Dangerous Metals and Acids

Writer's picture: Zoo KnudsenZoo Knudsen


by Robert F. Kennedy Jr

RFK Jr., shown here ready to take on today's modern health problems, like adrenal fatigue and kids not having the opportunity to benefit from paralysis or subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
RFK Jr., shown here ready to take on today's modern health problems, like adrenal fatigue and kids not having the opportunity to benefit from paralysis or subacute sclerosing panencephalitis

I'm fed up with corporations treating American citizens like ATM machines. Whether it's Monsanto putting fish genes in my tapioca pudding or scientists growing human organs inside of abortions, regular folks like me and Joe Rogan are forced to live out our lives afraid of the food we put in our bodies. And if the harmful chemicals aren't coming from right here in the United States, products imported from other countries fill in the gaps, making every meal feel like a high stakes game of Chinese Backgammon.

That's the one with the gun, right?

The latest example comes from the billion dollar vitamin and supplement industry. It's terrifying to think that the products people turn to for immune boosting and liver detoxification are often full of dangerous metals and acids. I've found that there are measurable levels of ascorbic acid, folic acid and even pantothenic acid in many products. In addition to these hard to pronounce acids, a number of products also contain metals like iron, copper, zinc and nickel. We aren't robots!

Robots eat metal for food!

These brazen companies put the dangerous ingredients right on the label for all to see because they think that they are untouchable. As the future head of the Department of Health and Human Services, I've got some news for them! Once confirmed, only supplements personally endorsed and sold by me will be available for sale in the United States.

Look for the bottle with my face on it!

What is so bad about acid in your vitamins or supplements? Acids have corrosive properties and are often used for industrial processes such as removing rust from metal. That's probably why they are included in the vitamins, so that they don't rust from all of the metal in them. Acids are also a major component of batteries. Would you eat a battery? I wouldn't, because I'm not a robot and I've got the brain MRI to prove it.

My brain is all organic and 99.9% human!

Some acids are used to make non-organic fertilizers or even as an ingredient in soft drinks, which are a known contributor to diabetes and AIDS. When an acid is mixed with alcohol, it makes an ester, one of which is nitroglycerin. That's right, vitamins and supplements are essentially time bombs waiting to explode!

Just like the ones that brought down the Twin Towers!

I don't know why the vitamin and supplement industry purposefully wants to harm us by putting such dangerous chemicals in their products. But I'm not surprised because this is what happens when profits are a motivating force. It's probably cheaper to just fill a capsule with metals and acid instead of healthy ingredients like unpasteurized milk and bear cub liver. 

That baby bear was dead when I found it!

But you don't have to be helpless. You can fight back and WE CAN WIN! How? Sign my online petition today and let your voice be heard. Congress and the Supreme Court can't ignore the people who vote for them! Let your senator know that you want to Make America Healthy Again!

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