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Parents Speak Out After Surprise School Gender Reassignment Surgery

Writer's picture: Zoo KnudsenZoo Knudsen

Updated: Dec 9, 2024

Wellesley, MA - In the fall of 2023, when Esme Clairmont left home on the morning of her first day of 7th grade at Wellesley Middle School, she was a vibrant and beautiful girl who dreamed of one day running her own hair salon and maybe marrying Harry Styles. Excited about the chance to make new friends, and perhaps even to sign up for cheerleading, she was blissfully unaware of how the events of that day would forever change her life. She had left home as a girl, but her school believed that she was secretly a boy born in the wrong body, and they took drastic but legal measures to correct God's error.

A 12-year-old boy from Boston, shown here preparing to undergo a multi-staged penectomy with vaginal construction right after taking the MCAS math test last spring
A 12-year-old boy from Boston, shown here preparing to undergo a multi-staged penectomy with vaginal construction right after taking the MCAS math test last spring

"Esme was always such a sweet little girl," Esme's mother, Josephine Clairmont, explained. "She loved wearing dresses and playing with dolls, just like girls are meant to do. She was just normal. I'll never forget when the bus dropped her off that afternoon, with that IV in her arm and all the drains in her pelvis. But it didn't really sink in until a few days later when a nurse from the home health company knocked on our door and said she was there to check my daughter's phalloplasty site for infection."

Esme, now reassigned by school administrators as a boy named Ernie, would spend the next several weeks recovering from the gender affirming operation performed at the Wellesley Middle School Outpatient Surgery Annex, which is located in a trailer parked next to the gym. According to Wellesley Middle School principal Geraldine Clump, the school opened the facility last year. "We couldn't have done it without the hard work of the PTA and all the money raised through donations from alumni and the many bake sales, raffles, and read-a-thons held over the past few years. Trivia night was a real success!"

In an effort to prevent other young children from being reassigned to a different gender by their school without parental consent, Esme's parents are speaking out about their experience. They are hoping that the laws will be changed. And they recently got some encouraging news.

Donald Trump, the author, real estate developer, reality television star, and presidential candidate is weighing in. He is making this issue a top priority and working to educate voters, many of which may not even know that this is happening and that it is completely legal in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. During a recent campaign event, Trump announced cogent and specific policy goals should he win in November:

Can you imagine you're a parent and your son leaves the house and you say, Jimmy, I love you so much. Go have a good day in school. And your son comes back with a brutal operation. The school decides what's going to happen with your child. Can you even imagine this? What the hell is wrong with our country?

A year after his surgery at school, Ernie is still struggling to accept his new identity. He often finds himself wondering why it happened. "One of my teachers had asked me if I liked the Barbie movie and I said not really. Is that why they did this to me? Is it my fault or Kamala's? I'm getting top surgery on Tuesday during recess either way."

Vice-President Harris has yet to address this important issue. That's suspicious, right? I mean, I feel like she should. What is she hiding?

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